Ring ring! Calling all SSS members! This week we’re going to switch up the format a little bit.
Most of our prompts ask you to share a little song on the Internet. Which is fun. But this week, let’s get personal. Let’s leave *singing voicemails* for one another. A sort of improvised phone tree, if you will.
Here’s how it’ll work:
- 0) Make sure to join the SSS group on Facebook.
- 1) Leave a comment on the thread for this week’s prompt, saying you’re willing to receive a voicemail.
- 2) Ask another member for their number in a private message.
- 3) Call them and sing a voicemail. (Be mindful of time zone. If they pick up, introduce yourself. Then call back to leave your song.)
- 4) Tell us about your experience, both giving and receiving voicemails, on the Facebook group.
(For extra credit, ask the recipient to text/email the voicemail back to you, and post to SoundCloud.)
Deadline: Your calls should be placed by the end of Tuesday June 21, 2016.
Thank you, sweet singers!
Jascha & Amado